Working under car Providence

AC Repair

Brake Repair

Checking Engine Providence Automotive

Steering & Suspension

Working under car Providence



Checking Engine Providence Automotive


Working under car Providence

Tune Ups

Oil Change

Checking Engine Providence Automotive


We use cutting-edge diagnostic equipment because we believe as technology advances, so should we. We have innovative diagnostic equipment that allows us to identify the issue with your vehicle quickly.Foreign or domestic.  Standard or diesel.  We service all makes and models.  We stand by our work and can’t wait to help get you and your vehicle back on the road.  We always honest and reliable.

Tool Box Neon Green with sockets

We would love to help get your vehicle back on the road!

On-Site Experts & Services

Owner Jake Akins has over 20 years of automotive experience.  He and his staff will ensure that repairs are done correctly and in a timely manner.

Repair & Maintenance Services

From standard cars, trucks and SUVs to diesels, we’ve got you covered.  We look forward to working on your vehicle.